UAE Introduces New 10 Year Visa – The Blue Residency Visa

UAE Blue Residency Visa - The Dubai Nomad

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The United Arab Emirates has introduced a new type of visa, The Blue Residency Visa, that will be valid for 10 years and given to individuals who are involved and are contributing to environmental projects across the globe.

Dubai has unveiled an exciting new visa option designed to attract world-class talent committed to protecting our planet.

The visa named “Blue Residency Visa” offers a 10-year residency permit to individuals who’ve made significant contributions to environmental conservation. This move aligns perfectly with the UAE’s ongoing Year of Sustainability initiative, putting a spotlight on the importance of safeguarding our environment.

Who qualifies for the Blue Residency Visa in the UAE?

This visa is open to a wide range of environmental professionals, including:

  • Marine life and land conservation specialists
  • Air quality improvement advocates
  • Developers of cutting-edge sustainable technologies
  • Champions of the circular economy (minimizing waste and maximizing resource use)
  • And many more!

If you’ve dedicated your career to environmental action, this could be your chance to live and work in Dubai for a decade.

How to Apply

Think you might be a good fit? Here’s how to apply:

  • Submit your application directly to the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs, and Port Security (ICP).
  • You can also be nominated by relevant authorities in the UAE.

What are the Benefits?

Beyond the incredible opportunity to live in Dubai, the Blue Visa offers a range of advantages:

  • Long-term residency โ€“ Stability and peace of mind with a 10-year visa.
  • Collaboration opportunities โ€“ The chance to connect and work with other environmental leaders on groundbreaking projects.
  • Access to resources โ€“ Gain support to further your environmental goals.
  • Recognition โ€“ Receive well-deserved acknowledgment for your environmental efforts.

Other Types of UAE Visas

  • Golden Visa: This prestigious 10-year visa caters to a wider range of applicants, including investors, entrepreneurs, highly skilled professionals, and even talented students
  • Green Visa: Ideal for those seeking more independence, the Green Visa offers a five-year residency for freelancers, self-employed individuals, and business owners.
  • Residence Visa for Private Sector Employees: The most common visa type, this employer-sponsored visa lasts for two years and requires renewal.
  • Remote Working Visa: Launched in 2022, this visa allows foreign nationals to work remotely from Dubai for up to a year.
  • Tourist Visa: The standard tourist visa offers a 60-day stay, with a multi-entry option allowing stays of up to 90 days for those meeting specific requirements.

The UAE’s Growing Appeal

The Blue Residency Visa is another step by Dubai to attract skilled professionals and establish itself as a global hub for sustainability efforts. This visa joins other attractive residency options like the Golden Visa and the Green Visa, making Dubai an increasingly popular destination for talented individuals from around the world.

So, if you’re an environmental leader looking for a new challenge and a chance to make a real difference, the Blue Residency Visa might be the perfect fit. With its focus on sustainability and its commitment to attracting top talent, Dubai is shaping up to be an exciting place to be for the future.

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UAE Introduces New 10 Year Visa – The Blue Residency Visa

The United Arab Emirates has introduced a new type of visa, The Blue Residency Visa, that will be valid for 10 years and given to individuals who are involved and are contributing to environmental projects across the globe.

UAE Blue Residency Visa - The Dubai Nomad

Dubai has unveiled an exciting new visa option designed to attract world-class talent committed to protecting our planet.

The visa named “Blue Residency Visa” offers a 10-year residency permit to individuals who’ve made significant contributions to environmental conservation. This move aligns perfectly with the UAE’s ongoing Year of Sustainability initiative, putting a spotlight on the importance of safeguarding our environment.

Who qualifies for the Blue Residency Visa in the UAE?

This visa is open to a wide range of environmental professionals, including:

  • Marine life and land conservation specialists
  • Air quality improvement advocates
  • Developers of cutting-edge sustainable technologies
  • Champions of the circular economy (minimizing waste and maximizing resource use)
  • And many more!

If you’ve dedicated your career to environmental action, this could be your chance to live and work in Dubai for a decade.

How to Apply

Think you might be a good fit? Here’s how to apply:

  • Submit your application directly to the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs, and Port Security (ICP).
  • You can also be nominated by relevant authorities in the UAE.

What are the Benefits?

Beyond the incredible opportunity to live in Dubai, the Blue Visa offers a range of advantages:

  • Long-term residency โ€“ Stability and peace of mind with a 10-year visa.
  • Collaboration opportunities โ€“ The chance to connect and work with other environmental leaders on groundbreaking projects.
  • Access to resources โ€“ Gain support to further your environmental goals.
  • Recognition โ€“ Receive well-deserved acknowledgment for your environmental efforts.

Other Types of UAE Visas

  • Golden Visa: This prestigious 10-year visa caters to a wider range of applicants, including investors, entrepreneurs, highly skilled professionals, and even talented students
  • Green Visa: Ideal for those seeking more independence, the Green Visa offers a five-year residency for freelancers, self-employed individuals, and business owners.
  • Residence Visa for Private Sector Employees: The most common visa type, this employer-sponsored visa lasts for two years and requires renewal.
  • Remote Working Visa: Launched in 2022, this visa allows foreign nationals to work remotely from Dubai for up to a year.
  • Tourist Visa: The standard tourist visa offers a 60-day stay, with a multi-entry option allowing stays of up to 90 days for those meeting specific requirements.

The UAE’s Growing Appeal

The Blue Residency Visa is another step by Dubai to attract skilled professionals and establish itself as a global hub for sustainability efforts. This visa joins other attractive residency options like the Golden Visa and the Green Visa, making Dubai an increasingly popular destination for talented individuals from around the world.

So, if you’re an environmental leader looking for a new challenge and a chance to make a real difference, the Blue Residency Visa might be the perfect fit. With its focus on sustainability and its commitment to attracting top talent, Dubai is shaping up to be an exciting place to be for the future.

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