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Is WhatsApp Available in Dubai?

Is WhatsApp Available in Dubai?
When traveling, you need to be able to communicate with friends and family back home. Whether it's sharing a video, or calling them, you need to not only have a reliable app but one that you are familiar with. Let's see whether you can use WhatsApp to do all these.

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Is WhatsApp Available in Dubai?


WhatsApp is a widely used communication app across the world. So, when traveling to a new destination, especially ones that are usually more restrictive than others, it is important to know what apps are available and whether they work in that country or not.

In this article, we will look at whether you can use WhatsApp in Dubai or any other Emirate in the UAE.

Is WhatsApp Available in Dubai and the UAE?

The simple answer is YES.

However, not all features are available.

You can chat, and share pictures and videos with family and friends.

However, you cannot make voice or video calls using WhatsApp in Dubai.


This is because the UAE government has blocked internet-based calling services (called VoIP) especially from foreign companies.

They do this to protect the businesses of their own phone companies and also have more control over communication for security reasons. So, while you can text and send media on WhatsApp, the calling features are blocked.

You will also notice that as much as they have Uber, they have other close competitors such as Grab.

Related: Is The Uber App Available in Dubai?

Alternatives to WhatsApp in Making Voice & Video Calls

There are alternatives to WhatsApp when it comes to making voice and video calls. Check out the article below for a detailed list.

Best Alternatives to WhatsApp For Video Calls in Dubai and UAE.

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